

January 07, 2013



idk why i want to do an entry about happy while today is monday? haha i just wanna tell you that i'm happy that's all. haha. no. actually today is monday as you all people know. well, i'm happy. no i'm happy not because today is monday but i'm happy because i'm happy !! haha. i don't know why i'm happy :'D

okay stop it. haha. damn -.- tomorrow got history class D: 

well, sebenarnya aku happy sebab kelas harini senyum memanjang. act aku ada sebaba lain. tapi taknak bagi tahu. hahahahahaha lol haha -_- aku suka gila time kelas english tadi. satu kelas kena berdiri sebab tk dpt nk bagi maksud perkataan. ada yg atas kerusi lah atas lantai. then cikgu tnye "what's the meaning of charming?" then satu kelas macam blurr ._. ada yg jawab "like" la mcm mcm lah. then smpi kat siapa tah cikgu ckp. "only one words ! you always say this to your boyfriend" well sekolah perempuan. haha. time cikgu ckp ayat tu dlm otak aku teringat perkataan "love" haha. then smpi tmpt aku nk kena jawab, aku jawab "lovely?" "yes ! correct ! lovely !" haha serentak tu satu kelas gelak. adayg muka macam kena paku je sbb tk percaya. u know what? aku lah satu satunya yg dah boleh duduk :D haha then ada lah yg duduk lepas jawab soalan seterusnya. lol mmg gelak habis lah dlm kelas. lagi lagi time nk rehat, cikgu nk pulangkan buku. and smpi nama aku "NABIHA !! 5 PER PARAGRAPH !!" lol teacher scream with big smile. hahaha. i'm just laughed and then wen to canteen. 

then kelas apa lagi? haha kelas KH? lol yeah. kelas KH pun gelak gila gila dgn puan Anita. hahaha best gila (Y) but when teacher serious, then all serious... hmmm i don't like that situation actually :/ 

tadi dia dtg sekolah, aku yg sungguh sungguh nk jumpa dia. then bila dh terserempak, aku pandang dia. dia pandang aku. aku senyum then bla. kali kedua pun cemtu. kejam kah aku :O oh dia nak pindah melaka. hmm

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