
upside and down

9 years ago by Nabiha Johari 0 comment
Assalamualaikum w.b.t So, for this few days dah bermacam cara aku cari nak tukar gaya blog ni tapi hampeh aaaahhhhhhhhh. rasa nak nangis sbb template yang lama tu dah rosak and i dont...

Infinite is Backkkk

9 years ago by Nabiha Johari 0 comment
Assalamualaikum w.b.t well as you can see at my sidebar i put these 7 dorks gif. and yes they are INFINITEEEEEE ahahaha actually infinite on variety show is baaaacccckkkkkkk since you're my oppa,...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t so basically perkataan 'move on' selalunya kita dengar bila kita dah dikecewakan and some of your friend will be like "move on jela wey" for me those word its not easy. bagi...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t hola readers! well hello guys, actually i want to update my blog since last Friday but my laptop did not let me tooooooooooo /cries/. but today this thing let me and yeah...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t readerssssss !!!! Thank you buat yg tak henti henti mengunjungi blog ini walaupun tak de apa yg new pun. Untuk pengetahuan korang ill be back so soooonnn since my last paper...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t hello readers. as you can seeeeeee dah berbulan blog ni tak bertukar wajah but now finally !!!!!!!! ada pun masa nak buat semua bende ni. hahahaha sebab harini tak tusyen so...
There is one day when i can't control my own emotion. When i can't let myself calm. When i let people hurt by my words. I'm human. Dah 17 tapi aku masih ada...
Assalamualaikun w.b.t Hewlowwww ahahaha sekarang gua dah install blogger application ni dalam phone so lagi senang ah aku nak update blog bila bila je aku rasa nak update. So sekarang sambil baring atas...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t walaowehhhhh dah bertahun tak update blog apatah lagi bukak en. tup tup dah kembalik sebagai spm candidate. gila en hahahaha memula buat blog ni masa tahun 2010 kot. lama gila dah...