
Infinite is Backkkk

December 10, 2015

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

well as you can see at my sidebar i put these 7 dorks gif. and yes they are INFINITEEEEEE ahahaha actually infinite on variety show is baaaacccckkkkkkk since you're my oppa, infinite sesame player, ranking king, this is infinite and noooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww infinite showtime !!! yaaayy after a very long awaiting they will be doing this show for inspirit ( their fans = me ) i miss their laughter their stories and everything because from this show only i can watch their life since im in malaysia while them in korea :') . well hello #TeamInspiritGila our boys is baaaccckkk. their first episode is today ahaahahahahaha by watching their trailer already makes me happy because all of them except sungjong was driving omg. when ranking king which is  on 2012 only dongwoo can drive but now ?! yes i cant hide my excitement yaaaayyyy!!!

im sorry readers i just cant control my emotion since they was my idol since 2010 and i have been waiting their own variety show. and thank you infinite for doing this after i hv done my high school ahahahahaa yass . im sorry again lol hehe im using english bcs im just too excited lol 

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