
upside and down

9 years ago by Nabiha Johari 0 comment
Assalamualaikum w.b.t So, for this few days dah bermacam cara aku cari nak tukar gaya blog ni tapi hampeh aaaahhhhhhhhh. rasa nak nangis sbb template yang lama tu dah rosak and i dont...

Infinite is Backkkk

9 years ago by Nabiha Johari 0 comment
Assalamualaikum w.b.t well as you can see at my sidebar i put these 7 dorks gif. and yes they are INFINITEEEEEE ahahaha actually infinite on variety show is baaaacccckkkkkkk since you're my oppa,...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t so basically perkataan 'move on' selalunya kita dengar bila kita dah dikecewakan and some of your friend will be like "move on jela wey" for me those word its not easy. bagi...